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Delivering Better Value Reviews

Working as part of an integrated team within a Local Authority, we provided leadership and management of the diagnostic phase of the DfE Delivering Better Value Review programme.  From pulling together a project team, gathering the extensive data required to working with the external project team to manage the set up phase, we were an integral part of the process.  Supporting the local team, we managed stakeholder engagement in the process, ensuring education (early years, primary, secondary and post-16), health, social care and parents all played an active role in the process.  Following diagnostics, we worked in partnership with the Local Authority to identify the key lines of development, create an implementation plan and apply for funding.  With SEND specialists on our team we are able to offer not just project/programme management but also have the opportunity to input subject specific knowledge into supporting the local area to improve its SEND systems and contribute towards the cost savings these improvements will bring.

Physical Therapy Session

NHS occupational health contract

Bringing together a group of NHS Trusts, our consultants worked with the them to identify the cost saving benefits of a joint commissioning arrangement for the provision of staff occupational health services.  Working closely with the collaborative through facilitated workshops, bringing in medical staff as well as HR professionals, we identified the core elements that would be required in the base contract.  Through comparisons of current contracts we identified the variances required by each Trust and devised a 3-tier model of support that could be commissioned.  Through robust project management processes the proposals were passed through the relevant boards, agreements were reached over management of the joint commissioning arrangements and a schedule created for the process which, once implemented would release £1.5 million in its first year of delivery.

Business meeting

Interim CEO

Commissioned by a collaborative group of charities, SkyBlu Solutions provided an interim CEO for the purpose of identifying opportunities for the charities to maximise their potential and to reduce competition in the local funding arena.  Various options were explored and, as all 5 charities shared similar vision, values, ethos and beneficiaries, the Trustees opted for a merger.  Our consultant managed this project, ensuring all legal and governance processes were undertaken, brought in HR professionals to support on the TUPE transfer of staff, worked with staff and communities and formed a new charity which best met local needs.  Following the merger we supported the teams to come together to create new ways of working to deliver the service offer, created a new funding team and streamlined back office functions to release economies of scale.  A five year strategy was developed to ensure that the new organisation had sufficient time and resources to stabilise, grow and increase its local offer.

Business Planning

 Improvement plan audit

Following a critical incident our team were commissioned to investigate if actions from the subsequent improvement plan had been fully implemented and embedded in practice.  Our consultants interviewed staff and service users, scrutinised documentary evidence and policies and tested practice.  By working in this way we were able to evidence where policy, procedure and practice had changed and been embedded and also identify where all three elements were not yet in alignment.  This enabled us to provide our client with clear evidence as part of the audit process.  Furthermore we were able to provide robust recommendations on the next steps required to ensure that all elements of the improvement plan were delivered and practice changed as a result.  We returned 6 months later to re-audit the delivery of this plan and were able to provide our client with evidence that all actions required were embedded in policy, procedure and practice which had led to a significant improvement in the safety and quality of the services delivered and on customer experience.


These projects are a flavour of the work we have completed 


Ofsted Readiness

Love letter

Complaints and
Independent investigations

Working with a local authority we have supported Ofsted readiness for local area SEND inspection under the current Ofsted framework and secured a positive grading.  Our consultant ensured that the SEF is reflective and evidence based, identifying strengths and development areas against the new inspection criteria.  This has led to the development of a partnership action plan, incorporating health and education and supported by parent carer voice, which aims to address any areas where there are current gaps, as well as to build upon strengths. Areas which do not yet have sufficient evidence or data to support them have been prioritised through the action plan, there are significant changes within the new framework and these require rapid change across the partnership to enable the local authority to evidence practice.   Using the framework, key data sets which will be required have been identified and methodology to ensure this is routinely gathered and used established.  An evidence bank of documentary evidence to support claims made within the SEF has been created and mechanisms to update this have been established.  

Contracted by our clients we have undertaken complaints responses.  Our consultants undertake a thorough investigation into the complaint, interview staff, considered documentary evidence and the relevant legal framework.  We are then able to provide either an independent and objective investigation report or write a detailed complaint response on behalf of your organisation.


We have also been contracted as an independent investigator to support a HR investigation.  Our consultant interviewed a number of staff members across the organisation, gathering information directly from them regarding the alleged incident.  We then spent time scrutinising documentary evidence which was provided by our client.  Based on the evidence gathered we were able to identify and set out the facts regarding the alleged incident, providing clear evidence to support this from both documents and interviews.  Our final investigation report was shared with the organisation's HR team who were then able to make informed decisions regarding the alleged incident and take appropriate action.

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